To access your Dropzone preferences, go to the third tab in Profile & Settings labelled 'Dropzones'
Home Dropzone
This is the Dropzone that you spend the most time at, under the heading 'Home Dropzone' use the drop-down list to find and select your preference
note: you can type the first letter of your Country to speed things up :)
Current Dropzone & Landing Area
Change your current Dropzone each time you re-locate. You can also do this on your device.
Under the heading 'Current Dropzone' use the drop-down list to find the Dropzone you are jumping at
Once a Current Dropzone is selected, the Landing Area dropdown will pre-populate with landing areas specific to that dropzone, click on the dropdown and select from the list
note: we are still gathering information for each DZ and adding it to the Cloud, if there are no landing areas available for your selection we'd be happy to add them for you, shoot an email to info@dekunu.tech with the coordinates
You can save a list of Dropzones that you regularly frequent to your Cloud profile - these Dropzones will show up on your device along with the closest based on your GPS location. By creating a list of Regular Dropzones, you can switch between them on your device without a wifi connection
Add a Regular Dropzone
Click the + button on the right hand side of the screen
Select a Dropzone from the dropdown list
Click 'Add' to confirm your selection
Your selection will now be saved as one of your Regular Dropzones, you can add as many as you like by repeating this step
Remove a Regular Dropzone
Under 'Actions' click the X to the right of the Dropzone that you would like to remove
Edit Priority of a Regular Dropzone
You can also prioritise the order in which your Regular Dropzones appear on your device by clicking the edit button under 'Actions'
then number each Dropzone accordingly and click 'Save Changes'
With over 1000 active Dropzones in the world and even more popping up from time to time, there is a small chance that we won’t have your Dropzone listed, or we do but do not have the correct GPS coordinates or Landing Area information, if this is the case you can Recommend a Dropzone to be added to our database, here's how -

Your recommendation will be sent to our Customer Service team who will send you an email once the DZ has been added to the Cloud, this is usually within 24 hours
To suggest a Landing Area you can use the same link, or send an email to info@dekunu.tech with the Dropzone name, country and either coordinates or photo of the Dropzone with the landing areas marked out