Ambassadors & Events

Stay in the know and keep tabs on your fave Dekunu Ambassadors in The Loop


Select In The Loop > Ambassadors to see a world map showing where our team of athletes are currently jumping

Below the map you will see a list of Ambassadors and some of their recent stats including total number of jumps using their Dekunu One, the last time they jumped and where. Select one of the ambassadors to view more information and the types of jumps they are doing.


Solo looking to build? Check out the Events page in the Cloud for any upcoming camps and boogies

Select In The Loop > Events to view 

Filter events by Country and/or date

Click on an event to view the details, rego information and links to event websites or FB pages and click Join if you plan on attending

Scroll down to view people who have confirmed they are going

Select Invite Friends and tap Invite next to your buddies names to let them know where the fun stuff is happening :)